Klok, Harm-Anton

Polymer Nanomedicine: We seek to apply polymer science tools to improve the delivery and performance of drugs and contribute to solving medically relevant problems.

Key technologies
  • Polymer nanomedicine
  • Controlled release systems
  • Cell based delivery
Key biological questions
  • Can we design polymer and polymer nanoparticle-based materials to allow for spatiotemporally controlled transport and delivery ?
  • Can we harness living eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells to improve control over the biodistribution of therapeutics and facilitate transport across physiologically challenging barriers ?
  • Can we track and quantitatively monitor the intracellular trafficking of polymer nanomedicines ?
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Institut des Matériaux, Laboratoire des Polymères
STI - IMX - LP MXD 112 (Batiment MXD), Station 12
CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland
Focus areas